Friday, June 4, 2010

She swallowed a dog...what a hog


Oy vey, what a day.

It had been cold and raining all day long. Getting a cab was a joke today because we had to walk through mud puddles and my flip flops were getting sucked into the ground. Lucky for us, we got a taxi fairly quick, however it had no windshield wipers and all the windows were rolled down. Then the driver kept trying to make the metal blade work...obviously this did NOT work in successfully clearing the windshield, but made one of the worst screeching noises ever. Also, his windshield was cracked, and to fix it he just placed a huge sticker of Ghanas flag on top of it. Seriously, will I ever have a "normal" ride to work?

We got to the office and got right to work on trend forecasting. I tried for about an hour to get my internet to connect, but that never worked out for me. Because I couldn't connect to the internet I mainly worked on CAD drawings all day. I had a good flow going, so I just worked through lunch. After lunch we had to start...or finish...or continue folding and packing clothes for shipment. I think this task mixed with the crappy weather was the perfect recipe for crabby interns. And crabby interns make it hard to stay positive in a leadership position. That's all I will say on here about that.

When the end of the day finally rolled around the packing was not done, so 4 of us volunteered to stay after to help. Yes, it was a bit frustrating to sit around waiting for inspections to be done, but hello its part of the job of an intern. Again, that's all I will say about that here.....but we ended up getting home around 10:00, so it was a long day.

Of course on the way home it was once again taxi hell. (Sorry mom, but I had to say it). Thank God one of the guys from the office lives near us, because he helped us get a taxi home. First we had to walk down a dimly lit street to the main road to flag down a taxi. So we got a taxi and four of us crammed into the back seat. So we were driving along the rainy road, when we noticed that we were driving with no headlights from the back seat we let out a nice CRIKEY! Needless to say, we were a bit slap happy. Then, next thing we know we are pulled over on the side of the road, and then turning around and going back in the direction we came from. Had we been alone, I think I might have wet my pants, however we just went along with it. We pulled over again and the driver got out and popped the front hood and started hitting the lights....back in the car I sat there as a photo of Obama smiled back at me. The driver could not get the lights to work, so we had to get a new taxi to take us the rest of the way. I'm not really sure he had his lights on either, but somehow we made it back to the house.

So, to answer the comment about the cookbook submission, I would definitely say add in the rock cakes...also called rockies and try to find a meat pie recipe too!

I'm going to fall into a deep depression this weekend if there is no sun.

Peace. Love. Short blog post.


  1. taxi advice... find the taxi guy you like and see if you can get him to wait for you guys if you pay him a little more. or maybe get his number so you can call him and let him know if you need his services...and maybe pay him a little extra for the help.

    sounds like things are getting will be fine. your dvd.

  2. Taxi advice....I was gonna tell you that too! Find one u like, that doesnt smell bad!! And pay a bit more, and tell him each day at this time you will need a ride! It is what I do in Chicago and The D, but the difference is, we dont need to fill the cab, but it is worth a try. They always give us their cell number and at the end of the eve we call them and they come get us, it is great! Hope it works for you! What is this title about?? Swallowed a dog?! Sorry weather is bad, but at least you had power most of the week!! No wipers in the car, pouring rain, why were the windows down?! What the heck? Try to post pics of the clothes you are working on next time you do pics! Obama smiling at you, wow, added bonus to the great ride?! (not) No no no! Read a great book!

    peace. love. massive sunshine.

  3. Hi Sarah,

    I've been blog stalking your for a couple weeks. Jill sent the link to me. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are such a good writer. When I read your entries, I feel like I can smell, taste and feel exactly what you are experiencing. Thanks for sharing with those of us back home who are smelling and tasting all the same things. Its nice to live vacariously though you. Kelli

  4. Oh Sar--- reading about your taxi adventures gives me anxiety:/ I'm going to pray for both sunshine and a nice taxi. Tom Petty just came on the radio as I started this comment so I know LUCK is coming your way sisss! You know he is on our side:)

    A woman came into the store today and she is into batiking. I told her ALL about you! She loved every minute. Why wouldn't she though, right? I seem to talk about you a lot. I'm always roommate this, my roommate that...blah, blah blah. Makes me miss you. Love you! Keep the posting! xxo

  5. I would have to agree with Kelli - you are a great writer, Cuzin! Keep up the posts. I love kinda knowing what you are up to in Africa each day. Love!
