Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I chew fufu

Well...I finally made it through a full day at the office.

This morning I tried to go swimming before work, but when I got to the pool it was closed for chemical treatment uGgggggg RUDE! So I just went back home and sat on the balcony for awhile.

Some of the interns did not come into work this morning because they are still sick, so those of us leaving for work actually made it out of the house at a decent hour. We flagged down a tax, and first he tried to over charge me, so I said no. But then he decided that he would give me the normal price and off we went. Somehow I got stuck in the front seat, so he asked what my name was, and because I was annoyed that he first tried to rip me off and was now trying to pick me up, I told him my name was Wendy. Then he asked for my number. So, because it is about a 20 minute ride there is usually some small talk involved. I learned that he would like to go to America and be a rapper like 50 cent. So I asked him to bust a rhyme....and of course he did. Fail. So, then he just turned on some music and sung a long. I didn't think that we would ever make it to our stop.

We got to work and everyone was a little hyper in the office, so we danced around for a little bit before we started work. No joke, we really danced around the office. Then three of us went into our design room and started folding the shipment that is going out this weekend. The shipment is huge, and the buyer wants everything in bags. How sustainable of them.....NOT. We ended up packing all day, and double checking our shipment info again and again.

Later in the afternoon we gave quality control a quick workshop on how to fold. It is actually quite tricky trying to get everyone to fold the exact same way. But a few of the women seemed to really understand what we were getting at. So, hopefully we will get the quality control team to fold as they inspect to save time in the end.

We left the office right at 5 today,because we were just in the zone from folding all day long. We grabbed a taxi, and we were driving really slow, when suddenly I looked up a head and there was a huge mass of cattle walking through the street. We started cracking up, because it was just no big deal to everyone on the road, they just drove around them.

We came home and finally went swimming. It was so nice and refreshing, and we had the entire pool to ourselves. On the way to Elis for dinner, I had a sausage from a stand off the side of the road. It was so good ans spicy, but tomorrow I will let you know if I regret eating it or not. :-) Today we had fufu for dinner. Once again this is a dish that you eat with your RIGHT hand, and you do not chew it. You rip a glob of dough off and scoop the stew. I liked the stew, but not so much the baL of glob.

Ok, now another Q and A section.
Michael: I thought you said I could put that drum in my packed luggage with a bunch of clothes around it? You better say this method is ok....

My food situation: we are on our own for food, but there is a really good "chop bar" down the road from us called Elis Spot. So, for 4.50 cedi, aka $3.00 we can buy the dish of the day. We give her a head count of who will be eating the night before and then she makes that amount for us. And she makes the BEST rock cakes. It is something like a mix between a scone and a muffin. I am completely obsessed with them and I will likely had a serious weight gain from them. I put in a request for them today :-)

Ok, I think that's all for now.

Peace. Love. Rock Cakes.


  1. If the taxi driver had been wearing a mesh shirt would you have told him your real name?

  2. You are brave to try all those new foods! I am not so good at that, I would be eating chips fromthe gas station everyday! I enjoyed the photos, water bottle one was great! I googled the resort, and the pool looking over the ocean looks so pretty. I hope your friends are feeling better soon.

    Peace. Love. Wendy.

  3. in reference to the last post
    a little fetus.

    in reference to this post.

    you ate a sausage from a road side stand....!!!!!! of all the street meat you could choose..

    here is a rhyme jen just busted out.

    when your going out to eat
    and you eat some sketchy meat

    i don't think its that big a deal and i'm glad you are trying stuff....but it was such a good rhyme...

    your food deal sounds sweet. better than having to make your own all the time. and you get to eat legit Ghanaian cuisine!!! ...now you need to get her to teach you how to cook some of this stuff. i expect to try some of these meals.

    yea thats fine with the drum. it looked big.. but as long as it fits in your bag it should be fine. .... is the head really tight?...i'm wondering if you will need to loosen it...

    peace.love. sausage.

  4. you may want to rethink your decision... "50 Cedi" has a nice ring to it...

  5. okay okay I'm blog stalking...fufu soooo gross- I tried it 2 times and both times ending up throwing up... sounds like your having a blast! Be safe!!

    Ps. when I came home with a drum they gave me a really hard time you might be better off mailing it..

