Sunday, March 28, 2010

Here we go....

First, a word of warning to those reading. This is my first blog, and I will try my best to keep on top of it, however I have never been able to keep a journal (though I own a very cute collection) and keeping up with this blog may be one of the greatest challenges of my project.

Now, to the point of this blog. I am guessing that most of you reading this will be family, friends, or professors and you should already have some sort of understanding as to why I will be wandering around Ghana for the summer, but for anyone who stumbles across this blog, or for those of you that have just been tuning me out the past few months, I will explain one more time.

I have decided to take on an internship through Women In Progress (WIP)
to complete the last 6 credit hours of graduate work, for my masters degree in Apparel Product Development and Merchandising Technology. At this point, some of you might be confused about why I would be going to Ghana for an internship in apparel....well, I can never do things the easy way and I have become pretty passionate about ethical fashion over the past few years.

WIP is a nonprofit organization that provides training and resources to the local women involved with Global Mamas. I will be living in Ghana from mid May through the end of September, working with the local women who produce products through Global Mamas. One of my (many) goals for this summer is to learn the traditional art of batik from the local women. Batik, for those of you wondering, is a surface design technique that uses wax to resist dye on textiles. I know that is a short explanation, but just check back next month when I am actually working on it.

So, that's my plan in a nutshell.

Check out the online store for Global Mamas: Trade for Change

peace. love. travel preparation.