Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The only white man to trust is a dead one


If feels like a Monday.

I started my morning by filling out paperwork to renew my visa one final time. It runs out three days before I fly out. How convenient. I was pleased to find that the woman I normally deal with was not working, and a friendly man was. He was impressed that I had all of my forms filled out and ready, so the process went fairly smooth. When I went to pay I had to go to another room. I waited at the door until I was told to come in, then I said Good Morning How are you? The worker told me that I was the first foreign person all year to ask him how he was. I said really? He said yes, people will say good morning, but they will not ask how he is. I told him that I thought that was very rude, and their mothers must not have raised them very well. He agreed.

The rest of my day went a little something like this....
Fold,bag,tape,repeat. Fold,bag,tape,repeat. Fold,bag,tape,repeat.
The shipment goes out on Friday morning, and it is a large order.

At the end of the day Esther came in and practiced her speech on us. She is leaving for the US on Thursday. I hope she enjoys her time there!

Also today I learned that I can track views on my blog and see where people are looking at it. Cool, and a little creepy. I just want to know who in China is reading this? Its funny how many random places showed up. Also I found that reading has gone down....that's what I get for not posting photos. I promise when I get home I will do a week or two worth of photo posts. Just stay with me!

Its movie night tonight at the house!

Peace. Love. Flip and fold.


  1. I may be a blog stalker, but I look forward to your daily posts and when there isn't one a frown falls upon my face. Anyways, Mike and I are looking forward to your return and seeing lots of pictures...I will try my very best to not fall asleep. In case I do, I apologize in advance =)
