Thursday, September 9, 2010

Its the final count down

10 days until I leave Ghana.

So, 10 things that I look forward to. (In NO particular order)

1. Coffee
2. Qdoba
3. My new quilt
4. Chocolate chip cookies
5. Fall
6. Holidays
7. Seeing Eat. Pray. Love.
8. Seeing my twin cousin (and eating scones)
9. Watching Regis and Kelly, Ellen, and Martha
10. Visiting with all my friends AND family.

Today I put together a list of cloth that I need to send out for samples next week before I go. There is a ton!

Then I did a little (a lot) of fabric shopping. I never know what I will make so I just buy random cloth.....its heavy! I started packing today, and I swear this fabric is going to throw me over the weight limit.

Day off tomorrow means sleeping in for me!

Peace. Love. 10.


  1. I am glad to see the quilt mentioned!!!

    Peace. Love. Relieved Quilter.

  2. 10 days wow.

    enjoy your remaining time....

    i would advise to pack and weigh your stuff early....i was scrambling hours before my ride to go.

    you can stuff cloth inside that djembe if you hadn't thought of that yet. limits.

  3. You wrote, "I never know what I will make so I just buy random cloth..": I have operated that way for 25 years but didn't get nearly the early start that you have managed! Good job! Keep up the good work!!

  4. well it's Friday now, so....9 days! I also can't wait for you to get home! Here are my 9 reasons:

    1. Starbucks trip(s) together (duh!)
    2. A really nice long hot shower for you!
    3. To measure our hair together!
    4. To cut our hair cut together?
    5. To see all your pictures!
    6. To see all your new fabrics, jewelry and Ghanian treasures!
    7. To see if Andrew calls you "mo Key Key" next time he sees you.
    8. To have you stay overnight at 5149 Red River.
    9. To see where God will lead you next!

    love you!
