Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A night in the trees

Remember when I spent the night in a tree house in the middle of the jungle? Well, now you can have somewhat of an idea as to how that night went......

First we went through a small village, where we met up with the man who knew the way into the trees.

There was a tiny little baby goat, and I just couldn't help myself...I had to pick him up. When customs asked me if I had been in contact with any livestock I "forgot" about this moment. 

We met some cute kids along the way. 

And then we entered into the jungle....never to come out again.

We had little food, so we picked some cocoa pods along the can see there is a bit of mud on my face from the tribal paint we wore on the walk.

Tree House. 
Is it what you thought?

This is the reason I held my pee the entire night. I was NOT about to climb down this ladder at 2 in the morning. 

Jessica and I were representing TOMS in the trees!

peace. love. tree hugger.


  1. amazing!! and yes, it is how i pictured the tree house! I would not have gone up or down that ladder at anytime of the day or night! Ever.

    peace. love. pics.

  2. that ladder! whaaaaaaaaaaa?!?!

    love the pics! keep them coming...

