Monday, July 12, 2010

Rasta Row


I ate too much red red at dinner, and now I'm too full/sleepy to write.

People were crabby at work today, and there was no power. I spent most of my day folding dresses for our shipment, and I might as well just always do the folding, because half the time I have to re-do other peoples work.

To make up for this lacking post, I will post photos tomorrow.

Peace. Love. Gluttony.


  1. cant wait to see these beads! What is a dread bead that mike asked about?! Was that the first time you made glass beads, sounded fun. I feel like I need to go waaaay back in the blogs to remeber what red-red is, i forgot! A full belly and lots of sleep wont hurt a thing, I did that the other day with primos! Sounds like you had a typical Monday. Me too, busy and lazy all at the same time.

    peace. love. tuesday!
