Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Blah.

Oh Mondays.

I already miss my rooomate. Katie and I arrived to Ghana together, and today she packed her bags and went home. It seriously feels like we just go here and were secretly counting down the days until our return flight.

I got up early this morning so that I could drink tea and read on the porch by myself. I have been a bit crabby the past few days, so I needed some alone time....that lasted all of 20 minutes.

When I got to the office I really can not remember what I did. It was one of those days where I was running around like crazy doing 10 things at once, that now this morning feels like a week ago. AH. Ok, let me think....someone went to get me an egg sandwich for breakfast while I updated one of the product spread sheets. After I had everything up to date I had to add more photos of new samples that we got in, and try to figure out what samples went out to who. This was pretty much hell, because the main woman from quality control was not in today. She had not filled out the sample sheets, so nobody knew who had what. This was basically the stress of my entire day. Samples are hell.

Trying to calm myself down, and find some order to the madness, I sorted out the sample fabric into potential keep and absolute no. The cut the stak down by about a third, but there are still so many options to pick from. Around 9:00, Katie and Hillary came into the office one last time. It was strange, because it didn't feel like they were going home, so we were all just like "see ya later"

Around lunch time I took a walk to the bank, and it was so nice outside! I just wanted to skip work and go to the beach for the rest of the day. When I got back I had to explain patterns to a few seamstresses, and I think that is one of the most stressful things ever. Even though we are both speaking English, the language barrier is just too much sometimes. Then I have to have someone translate, and who knows what comes out of that. Needless to say, one of the seamstresses came back with a pattern hhalf sewn and completely confused. STRESS!

And I don't even want to talk about the tote bag that came back looking like a baby sleeping bag.....

On the bright side....I ordered my lunch in Fante today and the woman was so excited that she gave me a double high five!

Also, I thought of something else from the night in the tree house. While we were walking through the mud, a few of us thought it would be funny to apply war paint to our faces. After all, it was just us, and we were in the middle of nowhere. So we are walking, and enjoying our funny face decorations, when suddenly we hear voices and we are coming up to a small village. So we panic and try to get the mud off, but we basically end up just smearing it around our faces...making it look like we have been walking for days and days. With the help of a little spit, I was able to look presentable by the time I met the chief. Woops!

I will end this post on that happy note.

Peace. Love. Mud.

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