Thursday, July 29, 2010

I use antlers in all of my decorating....


Well, wasn't I surprised when I woke up at 3:30 this morning. I just rolled over and was wide awake. I couldn't fall asleep so I listened to some music, made some coffee and read my book. Eventually I went down stairs, but only when it was getting close to work time.

Jessica and I were patterning, and one of the other girls asked if we were going into the office. We both stopped and looked down at what we were wearing and began to laugh. Both of us were still in our pajamas, but not just any old shorts and old t-shirt pajamas...we had on matching sets. So, I guess today was "wear your pajamas to work day." I hope you all got the memo!

Working from the house was pretty successful today. We patterned all day, and got quite a few sizes done in a few different dresses. Its panic time because tomorrow is the last day for the remaining interns. The pressure is on!

That's really all I have for today, because I only left the house for dinner.

Tomorrow I will actually go into the office.

Peace. Love. Sleep.

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