Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chips and Guac make any day OK


As much as I LOVE to sleep, I have really come to enjoy waking up early in the morning, making a coffee, and reading in my bed for a few hours. Of course some days I hit the snooze about 10 times...but today was a definite reading day.

I went into the office today because I needed to send some samples out. When I arrived I got right to work getting everything organized and on a "to do" list. It is always better to have things written down when you are asking for multiple samples.

In the middle of my madness I took a "break" and colored in color wheels for the women who were attending our workshop today. We hold workshops at least once a month for the women. This month we covered book keeping, visual merchandising, basic color theory and 4 of our women became fair trade certified. For the most part the women really got a lot out of what we were telling them. We had a role play portion about how to treat customers when they come in, and the women thought it was so funny. As prizes we gave away more of the Clinique bags! One of the women was also given a first aid kit, making her one step closer to fair trade certification. It was interesting when she asked me what the antibacterial wipes, the advil, and the neosporen were.

After the workshop I came back to the house to work on making patterns in multiple sizes. Let me tell you...I have never done this before, so if these garments turn out it is going to be a miracle! :-) Note to CMU pattern making class...have a section on grading patterns! So far it seems to be working, but I guess I will really find out once the samples come back. There is one new dress that I am obsessed with, and I hope it becomes a yes for 2011.

I worked up until dinner, and I think I will stay home tomorrow to continue patterning. There are only three of us working on patterns this week, and we have been working to Disney music the entire time. I bet most interns can not say that they patterned to Disney all summer. We are so cool.

Peace. Love. Measurements.


  1. I sure hope the dress you like so much makes it. It will be fun to see the new catalog when you get back, to have visuals to all these garmets you talk about. I love that you girls are working and jammin to disney tunes, they can really put a pep in your step thats for sure! hhmm....I wonder if the interns at disney listen to it....when it is not forced! I doubt it!!

    peace. love. u r cool interns!

    peace. love.

  2. Hi Sarah, This is Ellen's Mum. Hope you don't mind that I am now reading your blog. I am so interested in what you all have been doing and think that you write very well about your experiences. Now that Ellen is home I am missing reading about the progress of all the projects and the fun you interns have been up to. I feel like I have gotten to know you all through Ellen's blog and all of the stories she has been telling us!!
