Thursday, July 8, 2010

No No...not a tumble weed. A tumble WEAVE!


Ohh the tumble weave. This is a bit of a new sight for me since living in Ghana. Some places in the world experience tumble weeds blowing across the streets. However, here in Ghana we get to experience clusters, or even entire braids of hair blowing around. The tumble weave can show up at any time, so you must always be on the look out.

I do not have a taxi story from this morning, because I got to ride to work with Maria in her new car! It was so exciting! Yay for cars, and now once all the interns leave we can go on adventures with Pepo to the beach for a fraction of the cost!

I had about an hour of success at the office this morning....then the power went out. Although I do have a laptop, it is older than dirt and has no battery life. Therefore, when the power goes out, so does my computer. Fail. Whenever the power goes out at the office, we usually get it back fairly quick. However, when two hours went by today with no power, I was starting to get frustrated. After I had a snack break, I decided that I would run a few errands, and if I got back and there was still no power, then I would go home and work from the hotel. Thankfully when I got back the power was back on.

First item on my to do list, was to get a copy of a certificate so that I could get my visa extended. I had picked up the paper work earlier in the week, and I had extra photos with me, so I just needed one more piece of paper. I went down to the immigration office, and of course they were closed. Rather than walk back to the office and turn around to go back I decided that I would just sit until someone came back. I should have known that I would find another husband during this time of sitting. Well, I guess technically Wendy found another husband.

When someone finally came back to the office, it was a big ordeal and I ended up getting yelled at for handing someone my forms with my left hand. GAH!!!!! I just don't think of these things. Of course, after I got yelled at all I could think about was not using my left hand, and how maybe I should just tie it behind my back, or chop it off all together. I was so distracted by these thoughts of how not to offend this man again, that when he handed the papers back to me......I took them with my left hand. Great job Sarah.

In the afternoon we got a few more samples into the office, so we took photos and I sent them off for comments.

To make up for the taxi ride in the morning, I had a very eventful ride home. We were walking down to the usual taxi stop, and Sam called us into his taxi. I don't know if there were gas fumes, or if we were suffering from heat exhaustion, but the five of us in the taxi were slap happy. I think Sam was a little loopy as well, because he was joking right along with us. However, I think he was more so laughing because we were laughing. Nobody really gets our twisted humor around here.

I came to the hotel to blog this, because I may not blog for the next few days if my phone continues to fail at life. Tomorrow morning, bright and early I am off to the region where we produce our jewelry. It was a sudden trip offered to me, and on Saturday I am going to take a bead making workshop! I am SO excited to do this, and to go to the bead markets.

I will be sure to post photos of the beads!

peace. love. jewelry.