Thursday, July 15, 2010



Rewind to 1986…the greatest day of my parents lives!

I stayed in my bed most of the morning (aka the hours between 5 and 7), and only got out when it was absolutely time to get ready for work. When I went into the kitchen, a few of my friends/roommates/employees said that they had something for me, and pulled out a bag with a blob on smashed chocolate in it. I started cracking up, because I really had no idea what it was. Katie told me it was a John Long, and then I started laughing harder because I really had no idea what it was. Translation – it was a Long John doughnut. When they were in Accra yesterday, they stopped at bakery and got me a chocolate doughnut. From traveling it was a little smashed and melted, so they stuck it in the freezer to try to get back to normal. Once I found out that it was a chocolate doughnut, I didn’t care how it looked! It was the closest thing to chocolate cake that I was going to get today! So thank you Katie, Nick and Ellen.

I had to catch a taxi this morning, and the jerk tried to charge me 3 cedi for the ride. I told him to just move along and I would catch a different taxi. Normally, when you say this, they will say ok, ok, ok, 80 peswas….get in. I guess he was set on this price because he got mad and drove off, but not before stopping to tell another driver the story. RUDE!

On my way into the office I stopped to get a bag of water, and a mini Fante lesson. The woman who we buy our snacks from all day long has decided that she will only sell to us if we speak in Fante. Legit reason, but I think I have lost a few brain cells in the heat, and I can not for the life of me remember how to say anything she teaches me. But, she is always so happy to tell me over and over what the words are.

This morning at work I did a little folding for the shipment that is going out tomorrow, and I fixed a few stencils for the prints we are testing, and printed off patterns to be sent out to the seamstresses and told other people what projects they should be working on. At this point, I thought everyone would know what we need to get done, but I guess I was wrong.

While I was folding garments for shipment, they called me into the quality control room, acting as though there was an issue with something. Maria was saying, “Did you see this…” when the entire quality control room broke out into the birthday song. Of course I hated this, because I don’t even like going out to eat on my birthday, for fear of it slipping out that it is indeed my birthday, and then being publicly humiliated in front of people trying to enjoy their food. Anyway, apparently in Ghana, if it is your birthday they just like to throw things on you. So while happy birthday was going on I had water thrown at me. It was so awkward, but I guess I was lucky because they normally throw soapy water, or wet rice on their friends. Its not very fun, but I laughed with them.

Once the round of Happy Birthday was over, they went into “How Old Are You” and “May God Bless You” I thought the singing would never end. So, once I told them my age they made me make a wish. So, in my head I made a wish, but then they wanted me to say it out loud. I told them that you can not tell your wish, but they insisted that I say one. I was trying to think of something funny to say, but then one of the workers yelled out that in one year I need to be married. Then another worker yelled out that I need to be married and be a global mama, with a global baby. I had to break it to her that that was a bit of a far off wish……now I think they are looking for a husband suitable for me.

For my birthday lunch I went with classic goat rice, and I went all out and got a coke. What more can a girl dream of……other than yam balls and egg stew at dinner tonight.

So, before I came to Ghana, my brother and his wife made me a dvd, appropriately called “Peace. Love. Ghana.” When it was given to me, they told me that I could watch it that day or hold off until I was home sick. I decided that I would wait until I had a major break down here…..once a few weeks went by and I was still OK I decided that if I had not watched the dvd by my birthday, then I would use it as a birthday gift. So, today I put the dvd in and had quite a pleasant surpise.

Most of you reading this probably know what the dvd was all about, because you are on it! But for those of you in the dark, It was a collection of video messages from my family and friends. It really made my day, and actually made me a little homesick.

So….a few movie comments.

Cuzin Katie: I like that you are petting Olive in the video and I hope you are still growing your hair out!

Cuzin Bryan: SO FUNNY!

Nana: I bet you never thought you would be on a video all the way in Ghana.

AJ and Uncle Neil: Thank you for constant prayers and support.

Fultons: SO CUTE! Jackson totally stole the show on that one….and I am glad Karrah still managed to get a shout out in there.

Kaley: What animal was out the window distracting you from Yaya?

Lauren, Greg, and Emily: SO SO FUNNY! Thank you for the most wonderful poem about Ghana…or should I say GA-HA-NA that will ever be written. Lauren, I would have had the same reaction that you did.

Batman and all of the Stolman Family: You are the cutest! Brad….I will be sure to take note of how to say “I have to use the bathroom”
Laura Jay I love the little pep talk

Michael and Jen: You look like business officials. But I love the peace. Love. Ghana.

Karrah: I miss you!!! Your video made me wish that I was on the black couch with a huge mug of coffee watching Ellen and eating friendship bread!

Thank You for all of the notes on the video as well.

And thank you all for the birthday wishes and emails, it really means a lot to me!

peace. love. 24.


  1. Sounds like quite the bday celebration!

    Who would want crap thrown at them on their bday? humiliating to say the least haha! I hope you had a bday experience that you will never forget :)
    They're right- you better start keeping an eye out for a man my global mama! ;)

    I was sad I couldnt leave you a video- when your bro asked for them I was living with a strange man in east village with no computer so it was tough enough to leave a note! haha I hope the dvd made your day!

    Happy Birthday! I miss you

  2. p.s. it is NOT called the black couch- its the cream of wheat couch! pa-leeeze! haha ;)

  3. sounds like you had a great bday! glad you enjoyed the video...and batman. :) love you!

  4. Greg was very insistent that we say GH-HA-NAH. Glad you liked it:)
