Monday, May 17, 2010

There she BLOWS

Well...I write you this post from the beautiful Detroit airport gate 40. My caramel macchiatto has given me a full caffeine burst and apparently the Island volcano is having a very large ash burst of its own...right at this moment. So rather than boarding our flight, I am sitting next to a very frustrated man who seems to be calling everyone he knows to tell them the problem. He also smells a bit, so that's no good.

On a more pleasant note...God bless the woman who checked my bags at the airport. I wish that I could tell you that I am going on this trip with only my backpack, but I must confess that I look somewhat like a packing DIVA with a total of 4 (yes I said 4) bags with me. However, in my defense. 1 and a half bags are full of supplies for Global Mamas. Mainly about 1000 zippers and about 10 pounds of metal rings for baby slings. So, once I tried to pack all the zippers and such I found that there was no room for my items.....long story short I had to check 2 bags that were both well overweight. I started to panic when I found out that there would be a 150 fee per bag for being overweight. So at the airport I made my mom come in to grab what I thought I would need to leave behind (aka my fiber one bars!) But when I put my bags on the scale and found they were overweigh, the woman asked what I was doing and let the weight issue slide. Bless her heart.

Then we made it through security in record time and thought we were well on our way. I guess we were wrong. But I would rather be sitting in the airport than to be on the flights that have to turn back now.

Hopefully we will be on our way soon.

Peace. Love. Ash Cloud