Monday, May 24, 2010

Taxi Sam

Week 2.
It's hot!

First things first. There is some confusion on my oatmeal recipe. I do cook the oats, peanut butter and brown sugar. It is basically like a no-bake cookie without the chocolate. I am just excited because I normally do not like oatmeal. So, put it all in a bowl and add hot water to the consistency you prefer.

The power went out again last night, but it was hotter than the night before so I woke up drenched in my own sweat. Lovely. I woke up early and went to the gym for a nice morning workout. When I got back to the house the power was back on, so I made my oatmeal and sat one the porch with Pepo patiently waiting to get the final spoonful.

I had taxi success again this morning, and I was able to get my car full of new interns to the office in record time. The office is packed with everyone crammed in here trying to cool off. Because there was a new group of interns, there was another tour around the city. Katie and I went along again, because we were still a little turned around. The "short" tour ended up lasting 4 hours, and we all ended up with a sun burn.

When we came back we had lunch, some ate goat, some ate red red, I had my fiber one bar. The red red made a disturbing reappearance later in the afternoon. The groups first Welcome to Ghana. The rest of the afternoon was spent talking with the interns about their summer assignments, and doing an emergency re-pattern of a dress. The dress is going to be sent out next week, but we just found the problem last week. So, after talking with the U.S. Office, we decided it would be better to re-do the dress. We spent the last part of the day working on fitting until the power went out and we decided to grab a taxi home.

It was about 5:30 and that's when taxis start getting harder to get, so we were power walking to the stop. When we got there Sam, the taxi man was there as always. He remembers my name every time and puts me right into a cab. But today because we were a little late, he was our driver and even dropped us off right at the house. I said Sam, can you drop us at the Elmina Beach Resort Junction? And he was like...You aren't going home? So I was like well yeah, but we can just walk....but he took us right there.

Side note. Katie aka revenge of the red red, threw up out the window of her taxi on the way home. If they got mad at me for "slamming" the door, then I wonder what they thought about that.

When we got back to the house, the power was out again, but we had our first group Fante lesson with Ellen our house girl...or maybe its house woman. Or maybe I should really just call here Ellen. Yes, from now on it is only Ellen. Today we learned our numbers.
One: ekor
Two: ebien
Three: ebaasa
Four: anan
Five: enum
Six: esia
Seven: essoun
Eight: awctwe
Nine: akron
Ten: edu.

Say those ten times a day.

Ok, I just tried to make mt oatmeal dry and it was foul. I had to add cold water to it.
Cook your oats.

Peace. Love. Fante


  1. peace. love. sarah's posts.

  2. revenge of red red.... ought oh

    i looked up a recipe maybe we will try and make it.

    peace. love. der der.

  3. I really LIKED the oatmeal dry! My misunderstanding turned out well: for me! Maybe I should try the authentic way tomorrow!

    I'm enjoying my education! I looked up Ghana currency this morning. I know where Ghana is now, and learning my numbers is next!

    Good luck with the dress re-do!

    peace. love. uncooked oats

  4. can you post a picture of Pepo, your oatmeal sharing buddy?
