Friday, May 21, 2010


Day four.
Another sleepless night for me. I don't understand why, I go to my room because I am exhausted and then suddenly no sleep.

This morning I got up and made my quick cooking oats that I got from the market yesterday and I added a little brown sugar to them...yum. Why needs Quaker oats when you have oats in a can that is completely written in a different language that I can not understand.

Katie and I had to grab our own cab to work today, which just thinking of made me want to vomit. There are all these hand singles that you have to do, then ask if it is a shared taxi, then agree on the price before you get in, then tell them the drop off location, and pay attention to where you are going and then tell them again where to drop you. Ahh its so exhausting at 7:30 in the morning. But have no fear...for 80 paswas (less then 80 cents) we made it to our drop off destination.When I got out of the car I shut the door like I normally do, but apparently in Ghana that is slamming the door and he yelled at me. "You slam my door!" Uh sorry? That was after he was already mad at me for not speaking the language. However we took a wrong turn once we got dropped off and ended up making a big circle around the city. So everyone laughed when we showed up half an hour later. We have a theory that if we get lost we just head toward the ocean or the castle and then we can find out way.

So, when we finally got to work we finished making the directions to the measurement guide we started yesterday. Once we were finished with those we had to send the photos of our fitting to the U.S. Office for their input Then we looked at a suggestion sheet sent over from the Accra office about what items were not selling well, so we pulled all of the items that had fit issues and luckY for me I am the fit size so I tried on every dress, we took notes on the fit and them compared the measurements to the size chart. Basically, we just need to re-pattern some things.

Then the bread lady came today, so for 1 cedi we got an entire loaf of fresh wheat bread. Then at lunch time Katie and I ventured out to find the fruit woman. Once again we had success, and NO mom I did not get any fruit. So, after my lunch of water, a fiber one and a few digestives we went back to work.

Maria, the office manager and I sat down and figured out what all of the interns will be doing for the summer and what needs to be done each week. During mid June there will be 14 interns, so it is a lot to arrange.

When it was time to leave Katie and I walked to the area where we can pick up a taxi to our town. We got in the car and had to wait 30 minutes until it was full, so we got home a little later than we expected. But when we got back to the house we went on a search for ground nut butter. We walked to the Shell station and hit the mother load!!!!!!! The Shell store has everything I will need to make it through my homesick phases. I'm taking,chocolate bars, gum, Dorritos, peanut butter, you name it they have it. But I just got some crackers and peanut butter for now. I'm saving the good stuff for a really really low point. On our way back to the house we had some followers take interest in us. So, we have decided that we have a code for when people ask our names when we are in an uncomfortable situation we say our name is Wendy. So....we said our name was Wendy, and hopefully that is the last time we will be "cornered" on our way home from the Shell.

When we got back we went to dinner and took the dog with us. Tonight we had some kind od veggie mix with a grain. Then there was a piece of meat on the plate that slightly resembled a rawhide dog chew, so I just pushed it to the side. Then PePo (the dog) got to eat the rest of my food.

Tomorrow we hope to go to the beach, so pray we have good weather!

Peace. Love. Pepo.


  1. I am hoping by the end of the weekend you can sleep! Maybe you are just out of whack! Beyond tired! much to say, sooo happy about the motherload!!! Doritos!! Bonus! I would love to find my home by followinbg the ocean and the, cant wait for pics!!! But Sarah, why the name Wendy?? Wendy Ward? Is Wendy just a natural turn off or what?!!

    Peace. Love. Followers

  2. No offense to anyone named Wendy, its an old family my expense.

  3. you will be able to sleep soon, you just need to get used to everything. By the way...all your stories are making me question all meat that I have ever seen, and it will be a long time before meatballs are on my plate again!


  4. yea i would guess that it is just your schedule jet lag type stuff....?

    good work already getting your own taxi and going to the shell station. i think i was in india for like 2 weeks before i did that stuff on my own.

    its cool that you are getting to work so quick.

    ps....the is a pregnant opossum in the back yard. dad has the bb gun.

    peace. love. opossum.

  5. so sarah....who does PePo belong to? might want to take him along on your walks to and from the shell station......

    praying for you
